Tuition/Payment Policies
Tuition for all programs is based on the number of classes taken in the Fall and/or Spring semesters as well as how long each class runs.
Tuition is to be paid by the first class of each semester.
Payment plan members, the first half of tuition is paid before the first class of the semester and the second half of tuition is due before the midpoint of the semester (date given at the time of registration).
Payment options & discounts
An Annual Registration Fee of $60 per family within the same household.
Family discounts for households of 2 or more children registering at the same time. 10% discount to be applied to all additional children’s tuition of equal or lesser value than the 1st child.
Students who are taking all classes assigned will receive a discount on total tuition already calculated.
Tuition Penalties
You must leave a current Credit Card on file when signing up for our Payment Plan.
Accounts more than 60 days delinquent may result in suspension of lessons. Accounts more than 90 days delinquent will be submitted to a collection agency.
Returned checks are subject to a $20 RETURNED CHECK FEE.
Accounts must be current and all fees paid in full before students may receive costumes or participate in performances.
Withdrawals & Refunds
Classes, during each session, are not considered class-to-class. A student is enrolled for the entire session once registered. A student may withdrawal at any time by submitting a written request to the director. Withdrawals must be done at the front desk, and not with the instructor. A withdrawal form, available at the front desk, must be completed and signed. Fulshear Ballet & Pilates has a NO REFUND or PRORATING POLICY. The studio must be informed of withdrawal 30 days prior to the tuition due date in order for tuition to not be charged.
No refunds will be given for absences, class cancellations (by the client/student), or withdrawals. Students may do make-up lessons instead. (Refer to the Attendance section below for policies on make-up lessons.)
Fulshear Ballet & Pilates reserves the right to terminate lessons to any student without notice; in such a case, a refund for unused lessons will be given.
Attendance & Make-ups
If a student will knowingly miss class due to illness, conflicting activity, or appointment, they should notify the front desk prior to class by calling and/or emailing.
Class make-up allowed in cases of illness, injury, or family emergency.
Make-ups are only allowed in the session in absence occurred.
Students may make-up a missed class by attending any class of the same level or a level below.
Attendance for class is important for learning and remembering recital dances. For this reason, after Spring Break, your child may not miss more than 2 classes and may not make up absences in another class. Every class will have a different dance to learn so make-ups will be disruptive.
If a student is injured or recovering from illness, they are asked to observe their class and take notes.
Class Cancellations & Instructor Substitutes:
If Fulshear Ballet & Pilates cancels classes due to events beyond its control (e.g., extreme weather, power outage), class schedules will resume as normal and if necessary we will extend the season.
Holiday closures are determined by Fulshear Ballet & Pilates and will be posted on our website, in the lobby, and in our newsletters. Fulshear Ballet & Pilates follows Fort Bend ISD school closings and warnings/advisements by the City of Fulshear.
Fulshear Ballet & Pilates reserves the right to provide a substitute instructor in cases where the regularly scheduled teacher is unable to attend a lesson.
Fulshear Ballet & Pilates requires a minimum of four students enrolled in order to run a class. Tuition for classes that are cancelled due to low enrollment will be fully refunded.
Please refer to our website (www.pointeyourfeet.com), Facebook, or Instagram page for confirmation of all closures.
Health, Wellness and Injury Policies:
All students and their parent/guardians must sign Fulshear Ballet & Pilates’ official liability release and photo release to be allowed to participate in Fulshear Ballet & Pilates classes. Each release confirms that students are physically able to participate in the classes they are participating in and that they understand that all dance classes carry physical risk of injury.
Illness Policy: If your child is ill, please do not bring them to Fulshear Ballet & Pilates. Make-up classes are available in cases of illness, injury or emergency. If your child has had a fever, vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours, please do not attend class. Fulshear Ballet & Pilates supplies hand sanitizer for students and visitors. Teach your child to use it before and after class.
Injury Policy: In the event of a minor injury (fall, scrape, strain, or sprain) the faculty will apply ice, elevate, and if necessary, contact the parent or the emergency contact person(s). In the event of a medical emergency, Fulshear Ballet & Pilates will call 911, and will attempt to reach the parent or the emergency contact person(s).
Safety Policy: Fulshear Ballet & Pilates’ teachers and staff are trained in best practices for safety and spotting in each particular dance technique class. Students must listen to, attend to, and practice all safety measures taught by the teacher in class. If a student does not listen to/and or practice safe movement procedures as taught by a teacher, the student will not be allowed to participate in the activity. If the student repeatedly refuses to listen and/or practice safe movement practices and/or puts themselves or another student at risk, the student will be removed from the class and their parent will be informed. There are no refunds for students who are removed from class because of a lack of safe dancing practices.
Fulshear Ballet & Pilates strives to keep parents and students well-informed with social media posts, lobby flyers, phone calls, personalized hand-outs, and website postings/documents.
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform Fulshear Ballet & Pilates of any changes in address, phone, and email.
Fulshear Ballet & Pilates’ administrative staff is available during regular class times and extended hours for assistance. Please call, email or stop by the studio with any questions or concerns.
Lobby Areas and Hallways:
Food and drink are prohibited in all areas of our facility except the lobby and kitchen. (Water is permitted.)
Please be considerate of classes in session and keep noise at a minimum.
No outside voices, running or horseplay in any of the facility’s hallways and lobbies.
Personal items should be stored on or under the bench in the main lobby. Fulshear Ballet & Pilates is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. Items that have been left behind in studios or lobbies will be put into “lost & found”. Periodically, throughout the school year, all unclaimed items will be donated to charity. Signs will be posted in the lobby area at that time.
Be sure to properly dispose of your trash and recycling, including water bottles.
Fulshear Ballet & Pilates also hold a Recital in May. Participation in the Recital is required.
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to be aware of all costs, dates, and deadlines involved. Performance information will be emailed to students as well as posted on our website and in the lobby.
Attending classes and rehearsals is crucial for performance participation. If a student has an excess of two absences during recital session (beginning after Spring Break until the recital), they will not be able to participate in recital. No refunds will be given for recital session in this instance. A notification will go out prior to the cutoff date.
Observation Days:
Parents/guardians and visitors are invited into the studio to watch their student’s class during scheduled Observation Days only. Observation dates will be posted on our website, in the lobby, and via Facebook/Instagram.
Arrival and Departure:
We suggest that students arrive 15 minutes early to prepare for class.
Students may be asked to observe class at the teacher’s discretion if they arrive more than 10 minutes late. This is a safety precaution to avoid student injury.
Students should wait quietly for their class to begin. If the studio door is open, students may go into the classroom to stretch and prepare. Students should not open studio doors themselves.
Students should use the restroom and get water before class, not during class. (Adults, please help with this process/task.)
All dancers must wear clothing over their dance attire as they come and go into the studio. Dance shoes should not be worn outside the dance studio.
Students should wait inside the building to be picked up by their parent/guardian.
A parent/guardian should accompany any student under 6 years of age into the building for drop-off and pick-up. Parents for Creative Dance and Primary students that still need assistance using the restroom should remain on the premises for the duration of the class.
To ensure the safety of your children, parents please arrive 5 minutes prior to the end of class.
Students are not to be left unaccompanied at Fulshear Ballet & Pilates for an excessive time before and after lessons.
Students should not leave the building by themselves unless given permission by their parents.
Fulshear Ballet & Pilates will not be responsible for students allowed, by their parents, to leave the building unaccompanied.
Please remind your children to always remain in groups or with an adult if they are departing the studio premises.
Class Etiquette:
Wait for instructor’s permission to enter the studio.
Receive permission from instructor before leaving class.
No hanging on ballet barres.
No food, drink, chewing gum, or electronics allowed in class.
Follow Hair Policy and Dress Code at all times.
Keep a positive attitude.
Students are encouraged to ask questions of their instructor as long as they raise their hand and the question is relevant to the class work.
No talking, running or horseplay during class. Students are expected to treat each other, instructors, and staff with the utmost respect, using appropriate language and good manners in every aspect of Fulshear Ballet & Pilates. Students who do not adhere to this request may be asked to sit out of class.
Work hard and have fun!
Dress Code & Hair Policy:
A dancer’s attire greatly determines the attitude toward their class work. Therefore, we require that the dress code is followed at all times. Instructors may not allow class participation by a student who regularly neglects this requirement.
We require that all dancers wear cover-ups when coming to and going from the building. If t-shirts are worn as a cover-up, they should be worn with pants, shorts, or a skirt.
All female students should wear pink tights and pink ballet shoes in all ballet classes. Please do not wear tights with holes or bad runs and be certain the elastic is properly sewn on all shoes. Underwear is not permitted underneath tights. This is a distraction from instruction and uniformity.
Leotard styles must reflect modesty. Leotards should be plain and solid in color – without prints or designs. See our Uniforms page for appropriate level leotard color.
Watches, bracelets, necklaces, and dangly earrings may not be worn during class.
All ballet students must wear their hair secured neatly in a ballet bun. All jazz, modern, hip hop, and tap students must wear their hair secured away from their face and off their neck. Students who do not have their hair appropriately secured will not be allowed to participate.
Please inquire at the front desk or visit our website for detailed instructions on how to style your hair.
Class placement is at the discretion of the director and is based on previous training and degree of seriousness and not necessarily by age. Placement auditions are held before the start of each school year or by appointment.